Aerobics combines rhythmic aerobic exercises with stretching and strength exercises in order to increase the body's strength, flexibility and cardiovascular capacity.
The training program includes:
Aerobic exercises – jumping, jogging, running, dancing with emphasis on hands and feet in terms of improving cardiovascular system performance, increasing lung capacity and strengthening of the complete musculature of the body, and at the same time reducing subcutaneous fat
Strength exercises – strengthening the back muscles, shoulder band, leg and gluteal muscle groups, improving balance in the psychomotor system, improving mobility and strengthening the ligaments in certain muscle groups
Motor skills exercises – torso lifts, forward bends, isometrics
Stretching exercises – includes stretching of all muscle groups and exercises to improve mobility in the joints of complete musculature
Relaxation exercises
Trainer: Prof. Diana Trčak Regović
Tuesday 19:15-20:15
Thursday 19:15-20:15